
Sexual Assault

Rape and other crimes of sexual violence have a devastating impact on the lives of victims and their communities. The crimes of sexual battery, child sexual abuse, stalking, marital rape and sexual harassment inflict trauma to survivors’ physical and mental health and robs them of their sense of safety and well-being. The prevalence of rape also has wide-reaching impact on other cultural problems: rape is responsible for 11-20% of teenage pregnancies and for increased substance abuse and mental health problems including major depression, suicide, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Rape is the most under-reported crime in America, so it is difficult to know how many lives are affected by sexual violence. The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that only 30.7% of victims report the crime to law enforcement.

  • One out of every eight adult women has been the victim of forcible rape, which is more than 12 million women in America.
  • In Florida, a sexual offense is reported to law enforcement every 42 minutes.
  • The Florida Department of Law Enforcement reports that 12,388 sex offenses were reported in Florida in 2000.

Florida responds to the needs of sexual assault survivors in many ways. Community-based sexual assault programs and victim advocacy programs provide community education, counseling, hotlines and crisis intervention services for sexual assault victims.


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