One-Stop DV/SA Services

One-Stop Domestic Violence and Certified Sexual Assault
Center Services

The comprehensive One-Stop Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Center was developed as part of a holistic approach to heal and protect the safety and well-being of victims of domestic and sexual violence.  The program was initially developed for at-risk women and children however MUJER developed a reputation for not turning anyone away.  Men were eventually referred to MUJER through the community’s word of mouth for similar family violence services.

Today, three (3) key agencies are sited at the Center, providing free accessible, services for Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence victims in one location: (1) MUJER, (2) Dade Legal Aid, and (3) VIDA Legal Assistance. All individuals accessing the center will be seen by MUJER first and then they will be referred to the other partners.

MUJER provides services to all primary and secondary victim/survivors of domestic (DV) and sexual violence (SV), regardless of age and gender. As a certified SA Center MUJER has certain services primarily for SV clients, for example, the on-scene support response at the hospital or on-scene and the 24/7 SA helpline.

MUJER conducts a comprehensive need and risk assessment using the trauma-informed approach that reduces the risk of re-victimization and ensures that supports and services are client-centered.

  • Care Coordination & Case Management (Crisis Intervention)

  • Crisis Counseling

  • Advocacy

  • On-Scene Advocacy

  • Accompaniment

  • SA 24/7 Help-line

  • Emotional and Physical Safety Planning

  • Therapy for Individuals, Family,  Specific DV or SV Groups

  • Other Adult Support Groups (Non-Clinical) SV Survivor-led for Men and Women

  • Children groups (children who have witnessed domestic violence)

  • Information and Referrals

  • SA Victims Compensation Filing

  • Utility Emergency Assistance (when available)

  • Public Transportation Assistance (County Bus Passes)

  • Outreach and Community Awareness

Dade Legal Aid provides free legal services including representation to poor individuals in the areas of family law, domestic violence, sexual violence, guardianship, public benefits and housing.  Legal Aid has offices throughout Miami-Dade County to better serve the geographically isolated populations.

  • Case consultation

  • Injunction (protection orders) Court Representation

VIDA Legal Assistance is dedicated to advancing the rights of immigrant survivors.  VIDA focuses exclusively on meeting the needs of immigrant survivors; to give voice to abused and exploited immigrant women, men, and children, and increase the community’s capacity to respond to its vulnerable members.

  • Legal immigration assistance

  • Representation


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